Individual Attention
The complexity of the return determines the amount of time needed to complete it and often determines the amount of interaction required between the client and the accountant.
You don’t have to worry about unnecessary handling or delays in getting your tax returns prepared. If the records are straightforward and there are no questions, the returns will be prepared and sent to you promptly. If questions do arise, the accountant will get in touch to arrange for clarification or request additional records. Once complete, the returns will be prepared without delay.
Your returns will be prepared by a Fulton & Kozak accountant and reviewed by a manager before they are returned to you.
Business Attention
Business owners find value in spending time on tax planning before actual tax return preparation begins.
Expect to hear from a Fulton & Kozak accountant during the second half of the year, to check see if the business is progressing as expected. If there have been no surprises or major changes from your projections, your returns will be handled promptly when the time comes. If there is a major change in the business, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the situation and the implications with your accountant then, leaving enough time to make adjustments before the year ends.
As with individual returns, your business returns will be reviewed by a manager before they are returned to you.
Special Interests
Tax situations can be as unique as the individuals experiencing them. An uncommon tax situation requires a solution that serves the best interest of the client while adhering to IRS requirements. The tax team collaborates on unusual situations to provide a recommendation that will be acceptable — both to you and to the IRS.
The Whole Team
The tax, audit and advisory teams work together to contribute specialized knowledge if a client requires it. If the tax return preparation requires specialized knowledge on sales tax compliance, the tax team member will collaborate with an advisory team member.
Is it Time to Get Professional Input?
Simple tax returns can be prepared easily and reliably by individuals using popular tax preparation software. But when questions arise for the individual that aren’t answered by the software’s help screens, it’s time to seek professional assistance in preparing the returns.
Contact Fulton & Kozak when:
- Something in your life has changed that will affect your tax liability.
- You’re buying or selling assets — personally or for the business.